







(562) 986-6870 x.242

(562) 985-0524


Where to get help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 

  • Call or text the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988. www.988年的生命线.org 
  • Call 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255). 
  • Text HOME to 741741 to access the Crisis Text Line. 
  • Trevor Project (LGBTQ+): 866-488-7386,  特雷弗计划网站
  • SandyHook Promise-Say Something Anonymous Reporting System,  说点什么

P3_ExcellenceEquity-hr . 你好,我想要卓越 & 等于一个向量. Not 3.


  • All schools TK-12 have access to credentialed school counselors and school psychologists.
  • All middle and high schools have access to 健康中心 that are staffed with credentialed school social workers, school counselors or school psychologists
  • All students and their families can access confidential referral to providers through a warm line referral.  Referrals can be requested by school staff or through self referrals by contacting: 关怀慰籍网站 
  • Wellbeing Course for Teens: 6-week course offered through the California Department of Education. The lessons along with short weekly ‘happiness homework’ assignments will ultimately prepare youth to put these scientific findings into practice.
    免费登记:  The Science of Well-Being for Teens


Thirty-two (32) elementary and middle schools have access to 家庭资源中心 (FRC). 


亚当斯, 巴顿, 查韦斯, 杜利, 爱迪生, Grant, 福尔摩斯, King, 林肯, 麦金利, 加菲尔德, 哈德逊, Oropeza, 罗斯福, 信号山, Smith, 韦伯斯特, 惠蒂尔, 威拉德, 富兰克林, 汉密尔顿, 胡佛, 杰佛逊, 林德伯格, 林赛, 马歇尔, 纳尔逊, Powell, 罗宾逊, 史蒂芬斯, 华盛顿, EPHS


School-based Mental Health (SBMH) - Most schools have access to SBMH providers that can be accessed through a referral from the school counselor and or school psychologist. 它们包括:

指导中心 Starview解决方案
Occupational Therapy Training Program (OTTP) ChildNet
Pacific Asian Counseling Services (PACS) 给孩子


ERMHS - When students have an Individual Education Program (IEP), students may also be eligible to receive Educationally Related Mental Health Services (ERMHS). The IEP team determines if this service is necessary and appropriate for the student in order to access their education.


  • All parents of middle and high school students have access to talk with Wellness Center staff about caring for their students.
  • All students and their families can access confidential referral to providers through a warm line referral.  Referrals can be requested by school staff or through self referrals by contacting: 关怀慰籍网站
  • Black Mental Health program connects uninsured 长滩 Black residents experiencing negative mental and emotional health status to FREE, high-quality culturally affirming mental health services 长滩 Black Mental Health Program Providers


  • Employee Assistance Support in Education-EASE-EASE is an assessment and brief counseling service to employees of LACOE member districts and their families. 除了, EASE provides consultation to managers and supervisors on dealing with emotional issues in the workplace. To communicate with EASE, call the 24/7 access line 1-800-882-1341. LACOE EASE网站 
  • 菠菜网lol正规平台 provides health benefits to employees that include access to mental health. Details of available benefits can be explored here: 菠菜网lol正规平台福利网站
  • All staff of middle and high school students have access to consult with Wellness Center staff about various ways to support their students.  
  • All staff can access confidential referral to providers through a warm line referral.  Referrals can be requested by school counseling staff or through self referrals by contacting: 关怀慰籍网站 
  • Staff that are charged with supporting students’ mental wellbeing and health are trained annually on the following: suicide prevention and assessment, 威胁评估, providing students with multi-tiered interventions, 欺凌预防, 性骚扰, 纪律 & other means of correction, transformative social emotional learning

P3_ExcellenceEquity-hr . 你好,我想要卓越 & 等于一个向量. Not 3.

Community Crisis Recovery/Grief Therapy/Support Groups for all  

The 长滩 Trauma Recovery Center 
Email: LBTRC@csulb.edu 
地址:大西洋大道1045号. 长滩801室,邮编90813 

英文传单PDF    西班牙语宣传单PDF 

The 长滩 Trauma Recovery Center does not provide emergency services of any kind.  

New Hope Grief Support Community 
长滩大道3505号. 套件2摄氏度
562-429-0075 or support@newhopegrief.org  

Grief and Loss Support Recorded Workshop

新希望展示: “The Impact Grief and Loss on Our Children.” 

英语视频   西班牙语视频   高棉语视频

Mental Health Poster - Middle School
First page of the PDF file: Mental-Health-Poster-MS

点击上图查看全文 .PDF

Mental Health Poster - High School
First page of the PDF file: Mental-Health-Poster-HS

点击上图查看全文 .PDF