


欺凌 & 骚扰的预防



欺凌 & 菠菜网lol正规平台的骚扰预防

十大菠菜导航网址 believes that all students have a right to a safe, supportive and healthy school environment free from bullying and 骚扰. 该地区致力于促进相互尊重, 宽容, and acceptance within our school system by implementing bullying prevention procedures that encour年龄 students to be kind, 互相尊重和支持. Anti-bullying and conflict resolution resources are provided and easily accessible to all students, 工作人员和家长/看护人. 


"欺凌" means any severe or pervasive physical or verbal act or conduct, including communications made in writing or by means of an electronic act, and including one or more acts committed by a pupil or group of pupils as defined in 第48900节.248900.3, or 48900.4, directed toward one or more pupils that has or can be reasonably predicted to have the effect of one or more of the following: 

  1. Placing a reasonable pupil or pupils in fear of harm to that pupil's or those pupils' person or property. 
  2. Causing a reasonable pupil to experience a substantially detrimental effect on the pupil's physical or mental health. 
  3. Causing a reasonable pupil to experience substantial interference with the pupil's academic performance. 
  4. Causing a reasonable pupil to experience substantial interference with the pupil's ability to 参与 or benefit from the services, 活动, 或者学校提供的特权. 

欺凌是不受欢迎的, 骚扰, 恐吓, 欺侮或启蒙活动, 嘲笑, 敲诈勒索, 或者其他语言, 写, 电子通讯, 或者身体行为, 随着时间重复, 造成或威胁造成身体伤害或精神痛苦的, 创造一个充满敌意的学习环境, 或扰乱学校的正常运作, 教室, 或者学校相关的活动. 这种行为会随着时间的推移而重复. 欺凌行为包括: 

  • An Imbalance of Power: Kids who bully use their power—such as physical strength, 获取尴尬信息, 或者流行——控制或伤害他人. 权力不平衡会随着时间和不同的情况而改变, 即使涉及的是同一个人. 
  • 重复:欺凌行为普遍存在, 这是 , 随着时间的推移,欺凌行为不止一次发生. 
  • 欺凌包括威胁等行为, 散布谣言, 用身体或语言攻击某人, 故意将某人排除在群体之外. 


骚扰被定义为基于种族的不受欢迎的行为, color, 宗教, 性, 国家的起源, 年龄, 残疾, 或者遗传信息.

Prohibited 骚扰 also includes intentionally engaging in 骚扰, 威胁, 和恐吓, 针对学区工作人员或学生的, 这是 sufficiently severe or pervasive to have the actual and reasonably expected effect of materially disrupting classwork, 制造严重的混乱, and invading the rights of either school personnel or student by creating an intimidating or hostile educational environment.





  • 如果你或你认识的人被怀疑是欺凌的受害者, 把这些情况报告给老师, 辅导员, 学校管理员, 或者其他值得信任的成年人. 
  • 如果你遭受欺凌, some immediate steps you can take include walking away or telling the aggressor to stop in a firm, 但是冷静点. 
  • 如果你目睹了霸凌行为,不要仅仅做一个旁观者. 只有在安全的情况下才进行干预. Peer- to-Peer early intervention is proven to be effective in reducing bullying. 
  • 在霸凌的时刻, a safe way someone can help the person being bullied can include creating a distraction to help focus the attention on something else. 
  • 如果你是网络欺凌的目标: 
    • 通过截屏或保留欺凌短信的副本来保存证据, 电子邮件, 或者其他通讯方式 
    • 没有反应! 告诉老师, 辅导员, 主管, 学校管理员, 或者其他值得信任的成年人 
    • Block the aggressors from your 社交媒体, email, or other social networking p年龄s 

校园欺凌/网络欺凌的学生, 往返学校, 在学校活动中, 或者以其他方式与上学有关, 会受到纪律处分吗. A student may be subject to disciplinary action for off-campus expressions (including via electronic means), 当这样的表达是淫秽的, 诽谤的, 或诽谤性的, 或者当这种表达对其他学生的安全构成威胁时, 教职员或学校财产, 或者扰乱教育计划. 教育守则32261(f) (g)、48900、48900.2, 48900.3, 48900.4, 48910, 48911, 48915, 48915.5, 48918, 48918.5 

For more information on bullying, please see the resources on this web p年龄. 




  • 言语欺凌就是说或写刻薄的话. 言语欺凌包括: 
    • 取笑 
    • 骂人 
    • 不恰当的性评论 
    • 嘲笑 
    • 威胁造成伤害 
  • 社会欺凌, 有时被称为关系霸凌, 包括伤害某人的名誉或关系. 社会欺凌包括: 
    • 故意把某人排除在外 
    • 告诉其他孩子不要和别人做朋友 
    • 散布菠菜网lol正规平台某人的谣言 
    • 在公共场合使某人难堪 
  • 身体欺凌包括伤害一个人的身体或财产. 身体欺凌包括: 
    • /踢/捏 
    • 随地吐痰 
    • 脱扣/推动 
    • 拿走或打碎别人的东西 
    • 做出刻薄或粗鲁的手势 
    • 向别人扔东西 
  • 网络欺凌: For more information see the 网络欺凌 information box below.


网络欺凌 is bullying that takes place over digital devices like cell phones, 电脑, 和平板电脑. 

  • 网络欺凌可能发生,但不限于, 通过网络信息进行欺凌, 文本, 听起来, 视频, 电子邮件, 或者社交媒体上的图片, 论坛, 或者人们可以观看的游戏, 参与, 或者共享内容.
  • 网络欺凌包括发送, 发布, 或者分享消极, 有害的, 假, 或者刻薄地说别人. 
  • It can include sharing personal or private information about someone else causing embarrassment or humiliation. 
  • 禁止故意发送或发布不想要的评论, 图片, 视频, and pictures that harm or bully a student using school-facilitated virtual mediums.
  • 网络欺凌还包括网络性欺凌/骚扰. Cyber性ual bullying/骚扰 includes when a student recipient receives an unwanted visual im年龄 or verbal or 写 communication of a 性ual nature or if a student shares that 性ual content with other students through text mess年龄s, 社交媒体, 或其他电子方式.
  • 网络欺凌可以包括以下论坛:
    • 互联网网站提供免费注册和方便注册
    • 提供点对点即时通讯服务的互联网网站
    • 提供评论论坛或版块的互联网网站
    • 提供图片或视频平台的互联网网站


  • 使用菠菜网lol正规平台电子邮件平台发送不当, 色情, 或对其他学生或老师使用攻击性语言.
  • 发送不合适的邮件, 色情, 或在学校日或学校活动中冒犯学生的形象.
  • Taking a screenshot of another individual and using that im年龄 to create a Meme or im年龄 of them to circulate to members of the campus.
  • Spreading rumors about an individual using virtual means of communicating.
  • 创建虚假的社交媒体账户来欺凌或欺骗其他用户.


  • 如果我的孩子遭受网络欺凌/骚扰,我应该向谁报告?
    • 如果你认为你的孩子是网络欺凌或网络骚扰的受害者, 请将事件报告给您孩子的老师或校长. 学生 may also report bullying or 骚扰 to their teacher or principal. 你们学校的行政团队将采取措施进行调查, 处理事件, 并提供干预措施,以防止未来的事件再次发生.  
  • 如果网络欺凌发生在周末怎么办, 在晚上, 或者在与菠菜网lol正规平台活动无关的平台上?
    • If you become aware of an incident of cyberbullying that occurred on a platform or activity not related to 菠菜网lol正规平台, you can notify your school site administrator if you have concerns that this will impact the targeted child’s education or if you see further instances of bullying begin to appear during school hours or on an 菠菜网lol正规平台-related platform. While 菠菜网lol正规平台 does not have jurisdiction over instances not related to school, 菠菜网lol正规平台 will take available steps to ensure that all students feel safe while participating in virtual learning 活动. 
  • 一旦我们完成报告,我的学生或我将被问到什么问题? 
    • Administrators will interview your student to gather specific details regarding the 骚扰, 包括骚扰发生的时间和涉及的个人. 
    • 如果你有骚扰的截图, the administrator may ask you to send screenshots of the conversations or inappropriate langu年龄. 请不要发送色情图片给学校员工.  You may be asked to write a statement in place of submitting this type of im年龄.
  • What are some educational resources we can use to teach our kids about safe internet use/cyberbullying?
    • Please see below for some resources for information about Digital Citizenship norms and some resources regarding safe internet use in the 更多的信息 下面的参考资料.
